🚀 CheckMate Project is progressing 🚀

Bildschirmfoto 2024-11-07 um 11.16.11

In this phase of the Erasmus+ project “CheckMate: Empowering Europeans towards a Media-Savvy Citizenry”, we’ll be working hard to create a cutting-edge online course to equip learners with the skills to:

  • detect dis/misinformation
  • question the information they encounter
  • evaluate media content
  • cross-check sources

This e-course will be open-source, making it accessible to a wider audience and contributing to a more informed society.

The development of a web browsing extension tool will be also an important step that will provide real-time assistance in identifying and assessing information online.

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress towards our goal of combating misinformation and promoting digital literacy!

#CheckMate #ErasmusPlus #DigitalLiteracy #Misinformation #ECourse #WebExtension

News about CheckMate