CheckMate – New releases coming soon!


The CheckMate project is moving forward! And with it, we are coming closer to the publication of our first result: Soon you will be able to download online the Tackling Misinformation and Digital Media Literacy Best Practice Guide.

The research conducted by all partners so far has already let to promising results. Through official reports, interviews, and data analysis, we have collected crucial issues and identified media literacy competencies on which to develop the next project content. We identified priority areas in need of intervention and mapped the status of policies and legal frameworks in the countries involved.

One of the most significant findings of the research was the acknowledgement of the importance of a holistic approach to tackle media literacy, which is not limited to a technical understanding of media, but also includes the ability to critically evaluate information, recognise reliable sources, and understand the social and cultural implications of digital media and the effects they produce in daily life.

The full results of this research will be made public soon, offering a solid foundation for the development of targeted educational actions and methodologies.

We believe that our guide, as an important first step in the project, will have an impact on educational policies and teaching practices and will help to shape a future in which citizens will be more aware of navigating and understanding the vast digital media landscape. There is still a lot of work ahead, but we are only at the beginning of a fantastic journey!

News about CheckMate