KickOff-Meeting in Vienna


A new project is born: In the last months, we were busy working on the project start of the new CheckMate project. The new ERASMUS+ project will provide new insights on the important topic of Fake News, dis- and misinformation. This topic is never getting outdated: This year we will have important EU elections, and various dissemination are already ready to manipulate and disturb the election campaign. But it is not just propaganda, fake news and dis- and misinformation are part of the daily life of adults: Fake messages, fake mails and suspicious articles make it hard to find out if a post, message, or article is true or not.

Now we had our Kick Off Meeting in Vienna. The motivated team from six member states of the EU is ready to bring together citizens and experts and further develop and share already existing fact-checking tools to combat fake news and dis- and misinformation throughout Europe!

It is an honour for the BürgerInnen Forum Europa to coordinate this project and to work on this important topic with this nice, international team! Stay tuned for more news coming soon!

News about CheckMate