Ready for the next steps: CheckMate Partner Meeting in Paris


Recently, the team of the CheckMate project has met in Paris to discuss the latest updates related the progress of this ERASMUS+ project dedicated to combat fake news and disinformation.


Soon the main result of the first WP, the Best Practice Guide, will be ready and available online. To make this happen, the team consisting of organisations from Austria, Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, and Lithuania was conducting interviews and focus groups and has analysed various initiatives and projects already existing. Soon you will be able to see the results!


But we also worked together on the two core outcomes of the project: the interactive Metaverse platform as well as an innovative online training course. As soon as all these results will be ready we will be able to start to bring together adults from all over Europe as well as experts from different fields to find together new solutions to effectively fight disinformation and Fake News!

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